Gumdrop Demos


Grades K–2

368 interactive titles with 8,832 pages of content
  • 1,104 Videos
  • 1,104 Weblinks
  • 1,472 Activities
  • 7,728 Audio
  • 368 Slideshows
  • 368 Quizzes
  • 368 Key Words
  • 368 Interactive Maps
  • Every title has standard digital features such as videos, weblinks, activities, slideshows, key words, and quizzes.
  • Each title features images and a captivating design that enhance the text.
  • All K–2 titles feature full audio with professional narrators.
  • Every spread comes with digital features that are age and grade appropriate.
  • All titles are aligned to curriculum standards.


1-Year Subscription

Set ISBN: 978-1-5105-5423-8 (1 year)

3-Year Subscription

Set ISBN: 978-1-5105-5715-4 (3 years)

Works with all devices

Along with the ability to view this platform on a standard desktop, Lightbox K–2 works on all tablets and Smart Boards.

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Grades 3–5

511 interactive titles with
16,160 pages of content
  • 1,533 Videos
  • 1,533 Weblinks
  • 2,555 Activities
  • 10,220 Audio
  • 511 Slideshows
  • 511 Quizzes
  • 511 Key Words
  • 1,277 Interactive Maps
  • Lightbox is an all-inclusive digital solution for the teaching and learning of curriculum topics in an original, groundbreaking way. Lightbox is based on National Curriculum Standards.
  • Digital resources are conveniently located and integrated into the text.
  • Visually appealing infographics bring topical facts to life.
  • Every Lightbox title comes with 3 to 6 activities.
  • All Lightbox activities can be downloaded, printed, or filled out online.


1-Year Subscription

Set ISBN: 978-1-5105-5424-5 (1 year)

3-Year Subscription

Set ISBN: 978-1-5105-5714-7 (3 years)

Works with all devices

Along with the ability to view this platform on a standard desktop, Lightbox 3–5 works on all tablets and Smart Boards.

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Grades 6–8

119 interactive titles with
4,496 pages of content
  • 357 Videos
  • 357 Weblinks
  • 621 Activities
  • 2,380 Audio
  • 119 Slideshows
  • 119 Quizzes
  • 119 Key Words
  • 119 Interactive Maps
  • Bolded key words define core concepts and ideas. Users can test their knowledge using a key word matching activity.
  • Every Lightbox title features 2 to 4 videos.
  • Infographics concisely present facts and figures, offering graphic representations for visual learners.


1-Year Subscription

Set ISBN: 978-1-5105-6068-0 (1 year)

3-Year Subscription

Set ISBN: 978-1-5105-6069-7 (3 years)

Works with all devices

Along with the ability to view this platform on a standard desktop, Lightbox 6–8 works on all tablets and Smart Boards.

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Grades 9–12

116 interactive titles with
5,056 pages of content
  • 515 Videos
  • 1,142 Weblinks
  • 580 Activities
  • 3,088 Audio
  • 116 Slideshows
  • 116 Quizzes
  • 116 Key Words
  • 116 Interactive Maps
  • Lightbox is an all-inclusive digital solution for the teaching and learning of curriculum topics in an original, groundbreaking way. Lightbox is based on National Curriculum Standards.
  • Every Lightbox title features 2 to 4 videos.
  • Embedded high definition video clips enhance learning.
Grades 9–12 titles feature three additional resources
  • MoreExtra information and details on a subject
  • First HandLetters, diaries, and other primary sources
  • DocsSpeeches, newspaper articles, and other historical documents


1-Year Subscription

Set ISBN: 978-1-5105-6070-3 (1 year)

3-Year Subscription

Set ISBN: 978-1-5105-6071-0 (3 years)

Works with all devices

Along with the ability to view this platform on a standard desktop, Lightbox 9–12 works on all tablets and Smart Boards.

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2,125 audio eBooks
125 titles in 17 languages
  • Expect Our Best   AV2 World Languages features only the highest-quality titles. Each title in this revolutionary platform features clean, easy-to-read layouts and captivating full-screen images designed for maximum readability and eye-catching appeal.
  • Now Featuring Full Audio   The AV2 World Languages interface is clear of clutter, works with all platforms, and is responsive to all screen sizes. The control center at the bottom of the screen ensures that the book’s pages are the main focus for early readers. The full audio feature allows readers to listen to the text in their own language as they flip through the book.


Each title presented in 17 Languages

1-Year Subscription

Set ISBN: 978-1-4896-8345-8 (1 year)

3-Year Subscription

Set ISBN: 978-1-4896-8513-1 (3 years)

Works with all devices

Along with the ability to view this platform on a standard desktop, World Languages K–2 works on all tablets and Smart Boards.

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164 Optic Readalongs
An exciting fusion of
print, video, and audio
featuring the innovative
Optic Readalong.
EyeDiscover is designed to inspire and motivate children at the Kindergarten to Grade 2 levels in a fresh new way.


Each hardcover book is packed with special features designed for reluctant readers.

An optic readalong included with each title features professional narrators reading the book aloud. This allows beginning readers to listen at their own pace.


1-Year Subscription

Set ISBN: 978-1-4896-8346-5 (1 year)

3-Year Subscription

Set ISBN: 978-1-4896-8514-8 (3 years)

Works with all devices

Along with the ability to view this platform on a standard desktop, EyeDiscover K–2 works on all tablets and Smart Boards.

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Read Along with Great Fiction Titles

AV2 fiction is designed to inspire young readers by featuring professional narrators and real sound effects using the highest quality audio.
New content added throughout the school year.


1-Year Subscription

Set ISBN: 978-1-7911-3315-3 (1 year)

3-Year Subscription

Set ISBN: 978-1-7911-3314-6 (3 years)

Works with all devices

Along with the ability to view this platform on a standard desktop, AV2 Fiction K–5 works on all tablets and Smart Boards.

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K–2 Nonfiction Subscription

Features a wide range of topics from categories such as Animals, Sports, Science, Social Studies, and High Interest. Built-in digital features allow readers to dive even deeper into a topic through weblinks, videos, activities, slideshows, and quizzes.

This annual subscription continually grows, with new titles added throughout the year.


1-Year Subscription

Set ISBN: 978-1-7911-3310-8 (1 year)

3-Year Subscription

Set ISBN: 978-1-7911-3311-5 (3 years)

Works with all devices

Along with the ability to view this platform on a standard desktop, AV2 Nonfiction K–2 works on all tablets and Smart Boards.

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K–5 Nonfiction Subscription

Provides readers with a dynamic learning experience in high-interest subject areas ranging from Animals to Sports and Science to Social Studies.

Curated digital features such as weblinks, videos, activities, slideshows, and quizzes allow readers to dive even deeper into topics.


1-Year Subscription

Set ISBN: 978-1-7911-3320-7 (1 year)

3-Year Subscription

Set ISBN: 978-1-7911-3321-4 (3 years)

Works with all devices

Along with the ability to view this platform on a standard desktop, AV2 Nonfiction K–5 works on all tablets and Smart Boards.

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3–8 Nonfiction Subscription

Provides reluctant readers with an exciting and well-supported reading experience.

All titles fuse text with curated digital features such as weblinks, videos, activities, slideshows, and quizzes to help teachers save time.


1-Year Subscription

Set ISBN: 978-1-7911-3306-1 (1 year)

3-Year Subscription

Set ISBN: 978-1-7911-3307-8 (3 years)

Works with all devices

Along with the ability to view this platform on a standard desktop, AV2 Nonfiction 3–8 works on all tablets and Smart Boards.

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Engage Spanish speakers and
learners with high-quality,
curriculum-based content
  • All the amazing features of our AV2, EyeDiscover, and Lightbox titles, now available in Spanish!
  • Each Spanish title is an engaging combination of text and curated digital features. Weblinks, videos, activities, slideshows, and quizzes provide Spanish native speakers and Spanish learners with a captivating learning experience.


1-Year Subscription

Set ISBN: 978-1-5105-5935-6 (1 year)

3-Year Subscription

Set ISBN: 978-1-5105-5936-3 (3 years)

Works with all devices

Along with the ability to view this platform on a standard desktop, Spanish K–5 works on all tablets and Smart Boards.

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Accelerated Reader
  • The AR Collection includes more than 781 Lightbox, AV2, and EyeDiscover eBooks with available AR quizzes. This amazing collection of fiction and nonfiction titles covers a broad selection of topics at different reading levels, with ATOS scores that range from 1.0 to 7.0. Users can search for books that fall within specific ATOS reading levels.
  • Fiction titles feature high-quality audio readalongs narrated by professional actors. Nonfiction eBooks include a combination of text and curated digital features such as weblinks, videos, activities, slideshows, and quizzes. New fiction and nonfiction titles are added throughout the year, providing young readers with an exciting and well-supported reading experience.


1-Year Subscription

Set ISBN: 978-1-5105-5852-6 (1 year)

3-Year Subscription

Set ISBN: 978-1-5105-5853-3 (3 years)

Works with all devices

Along with the ability to view this platform on a standard desktop, the Lightbox K–5 Accelerated Reader platform can be viewed on all tablets and Smart Boards.

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Guided Reading
  • Boost your guided reading instruction with our new Lightbox Guided Reading Subscription.
  • This engaging collection of leveled fiction and nonfiction titles captivates the interest of young readers with its combination of text and curated digital features. It features everything you need for literacy learning. Titles leveled by Fountas and Pinnell offer a controlled sequence of challenges to help ensure student success.


1-Year Subscription

Set ISBN: 978-1-5105-5937-0 (1 year)

3-Year Subscription

Set ISBN: 978-1-5105-5938-7 (3 years)

Works with all devices

Along with the ability to view this platform on a standard desktop, the Lightbox K–3 Guided Reading platform can be viewed on all tablets and Smart Boards.

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K–5 Dual Language
  • Every title is available in both English and Spanish.
    Easily switch between languages to get a bilingual experience that will expand your vocabulary, enhance your language proficiency, and allow you to discover fascinating facts about your favorite topics.
  • With your Dual Language subscription, every title comes with interactive features, including audio, video, infographics, weblinks, activities, slideshows, and maps, in both English and Spanish.


1-Year Subscription

Set ISBN: 978-1-5105-6792-4 (1 year)

3-Year Subscription

Set ISBN: 978-1-5105-6793-1 (3 years)

Works with all devices

Along with the ability to view this platform on a standard desktop, the Lightbox K–5 Dual Language platform can be viewed on all tablets and Smart Boards.

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